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ULUPAR offers its partners a business model which supplies all of the needs in a single delivery instead of working with different suppliers for each need. Supplying sector specific products for every need with fast delivery, warranty, superior quality and affordable prices, ULUPAR minimizes the costs via control from a single center. ULUPAR minimizes logistics and operational needs and eliminates quality related problems.PRODUCT GROUPSSteering Wheel PumpsAxle Repair KitsRubber and Metal PartsBrake Disc and Pad SetsBrake Caliper Repair KitsClutch Pressure Plate, Lining and BearingsSuspension Bellows and Cabin BellowsCabin and Chassis SuspensionsEngine parts (Piston, Lining, Snap Ring etc.)Engine MountsSealsRear View Mirror and GlazingsFlywheel and Flywheel HousingCompressor and Repair Kits
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