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TURA PACK Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Ikitelli OSB. Ikitelli, Istanbul, Turkey Fax: (212) 671-7965

TURA PACK Company Profile

The right packaging is an essential part of modern marketing and branding process as it plays a role in communicating the image and identity of a company. It should work with your brand to broaden appeal and deepen connections with consumers.
TuraPack has the expertise to achieve all of this with any packaging need.Founded in 1969, the company has been dedicated to produce high quality customized and luxury paper bags, gift envelopes, paper boxes and labels.
Manufacturing facility is located in Ikitelli Organised Industrial Zone, Istanbul-Turkey. Tura Pack carries out complete array of packaging process in-house. Taking into consideration that we have been in this industry more than 40 years you can trust that our experience is considerable.
Our purpose is to provide our customers with innovative, original and and customized packaging solutions. We certainly know that your packaging convey not only your product but also your image .

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