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HISTORY:Our company was established in 1991. The head office is located in Izmir and operates in health sector with the title of TUR-MED HASTANE MALZEMELERI SAN. TIC. LTD. STI.. Our company started production of wood hospital furniture in 1993 and production and marketing of orthopedy products in 2001. Our company has achieved many projects in Turkey and abroad as of establishment. Our company with wide customer portfolio makes sales to every province of Turkey. Our company provides perfect services with qualified personnel and its own plant on total 3000 m2 closed area. TUR-MED adopting quality, customer satisfaction and economic solutions as principle has always achieved to be leader. WITH HIGH-QUALITY AND SECURE SERVICE PERCEPTION...QUALITY POLICY:Our service, unconditional customer satisfaction, a good "QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM" to create an effective way, as a basic principle of the application and have adopted to improve with each passing day. In doing so, according to the demands and expectations of our customers, by creating the conditions defined in the framework of legal services and trained personnel to more quickly and more economically, increase customer satisfaction, that we cooperate with our partners to offer products that provide high savings and customer satisfaction, to be the best in our industry We have targeted.VISION Tur-med vision of a principle of international quality standards Pursuing this direction, production and management strategies, identify health and medical industry to be among the leading companies in our country and around the world. MISSION Tur-med mission of investing in people is the most valuable investment in the knowledge that we have on the issue of human resource quality and strength, to assess the importance of training activities, and provides all our employees and maintaining quality education in line with our objectives ...
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