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TRIO AUTO PARTS Turkish Manufacturers Companies Ataşehir Turkey

Adress: Ferhat Paşa Mahallesi, Yavuz Sultan Selim Caddesi No:14-16-18 Ataşehir / ISTANBUL - TURKEY

TRIO AUTO PARTS Company Profile

As TRIO AUTO SPARE PARTS COMPANY we are mainly focused on the import & export on the genuine auto spare parts of brands such as RENAULT, PEUGEOT, CITROEN FIAT. Opening branches across the Turkey and expanding the distribution network among Turkish suppliers is one of our main goals. We are importing from most of the Europen Countries and exporting to 21 different countries and 3 different continents which includes Europe, Africa, Asia. Along with our sales experts and IT experts, we have dedicated ourselves to serve each customer with extreme care, via our professionals who are expert in spare parts business, we provide best prices, best customer experience and honest trade.


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