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In 1984, the first activities in Istanbul, offering malzemecilik Jaime Sevilla's staples and Chavez counts. Expanding its range of products to its customers until 1995, then Istanbul Bahcelievler served in.In 1995, he moved from Adapazari. Kocaeli, Sakarya, Duzce, Bolu, Zonguldak and Bartin areas began to serve on the service. Our product range in accordance with the request and needs more duplicating, malzemeciligin with chipboard sizing, edge banding, upholstery fabric kapitonesi and sponge segment imalatida.The company, together with the commercial liability, commercial relations with the presence of human relationships and social awareness; We continue to serve our customers.And to get into the market, such as a price for everything has a price. It is also a specific time, and it is patience.The measure of inflation in an economy with high costs, which has cost, room paraninda.Honesty is one of the largest in the capital.
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