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Suhippo Turkish Manufacturers Companies Yıldırım Turkey

Adress: Duaçınarı, Gülveren Sk., 16270 Yıldırım/Bursa

Suhippo Company Profile

Dear Sir, Madam,

Based in Bursa/Turkey, Suhippo is producing and selling baby clothing for ages between 0-1. Apart from baby clothes, pillowcases and beach bags with digital print has also started.

Bursa, which has 3000 years of clothing material producing history, is an important clothing and fabric production center even today. 80% of the baby and children’s clothing production takes place in Bursa.

Suhippo is growing in the industry since 2003 when it first started it’s commercial activity, day by day with regards to it’s usage of high technology and Quality standarts, creative designs, and qualified personnel in production. Our products are exported throughout the World mainly to Europe, Middle East and USA.

Please contact us for the product group you’re interested in.

Ms. Arzu Celik

[email protected]

Suhippo Products

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