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SMYRNA GLOBAL A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Karacaoglan mah. 6172/2 Sok. No: 2 35070 Izmir Turkey Fax: 00902324727475

SMYRNA GLOBAL A.S. Company Profile

Smyrna Global A.S. is a service-oriented export trading company providing domestic and international companies the opportunity to import and export chemicals to new and existing markets. Due to our many years of experience in chemical industry, it is possible for us to develop specially required verified solutions.
We always focus on the specific requirements of our customers. Confidence and mutual appreciation guarantee a successful cooperation with our clients. We experienced partnership, integrity, engagement, flexibility and reliability daily with our customers and colleagues.
Although our company is new, we have experience in the industry over 10 years and our products hold its own successful sales records. Not only do we offer superior quality product, but we also offer the kind of solid expertise and support that should be expected from a supplier.
Our goal is to consistently provide high quality at competitive prices.


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