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Our product range representing many agencies and business partnerships such as GRUNDFOS, LEO POMPA, TAPFLO, STANDART POMPA, YILDIZ POMPA, GOKTOGAN TEKNIK MAKINA MODEL (TMM) HASER POMPA, , AYENSO POMPA, RAN POMPA, GUCUM POMPA, A YANGIN, MIT ESANJOR, EKIN ENDUSTRIYEL includesBooster Systems,Submersible Pumps,Fire pumps,Drainage (Waste Water) Pumps,Gear Pumps, Oil Pumps,Acid pumps, Chemical transfer pumps,Monopumps,Brine pumps,Plastic Acid Pumps,Food processing, process and centrifugal pumps,Valves,Blowers,Fire Cabinets and Fire Armatures,Heating and Cooling systemsIt is our target and willing to share our knowledge and experience with you to take part in your projects with mechanical and engineering solutions. Our company is headquartered in Izmir and Iran.It contributes to the national economy by exporting annual olive oil and olives to Middle East countries.
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