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SAVAS ARLI Turkish Manufacturers Companies Turkey

SAVAS ARLI Company Profile

With 14 years of experience in foreign trade sector, our team started its operations in 2019 under the company of Daphne Consultant.

In our consultancy services, we produce solutions to enable our companies to produce effective and efficient policies in international markets. We conduct market research for companies that want to offer their products abroad and perform the whole export process with the customers. We are looking for the most suitable manufacturers for our companies that want to supply products from overseas markets and we provide turnkey solutions to the companies by performing the whole import process as a result of the agreement. Progressing with the principle; “Always for the better”, our team became more than just a wholesale company, utilizing its occupational know-how and experience in export and import sector.

For domestic and foreign brands that want to use the synergy of a young and dynamic team, we provide services to create foreign trade culture and to organize all related processes.


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