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PURERAISIN Turkish Manufacturers Companies İstanbul Turkey


PURERAISIN Company Profile

The origin of Turkish Sultanas is a seedless grape variety called Vitis Vinifera. Sultanas, which are grown in the west of Turkey, in Manisa province, across fertile soils of Gediz Basin and on continuously expanding thousands of hectare vineyards, has its own characteristic taste and odor representing itself with the light amber color. More than 80% of sultanas produced in Turkey are exported mainly to European countries.
There are two criteria for classification of sultanas: Color and Size. There are 5 types representing a different color, which are Type 7, Type 8, Type 9, Type 10, and Type 11. Whereas Type 7 represents the darkest color while Type 11 represents the brightest color. The second classification, size, is based on the berry count per 100 G. The 5 classes of size are Jumbo, Standard, Medium, Small, and Small Small.

After the harvest, just before laying down the bunch of sultanas under the sun, sultanas are soaked with potassium carbonate to fasten the dehydration process. “Thompson” sultanas are not soaked in to the solution and kept under the sun for extra 15 – 25 days. During this time, the amber color vanishes leaving a light purple color behind it.
The production is carried out under the inspection and rules of organic agriculture, which requires various pesticides and chemicals to be kept away from the plant. After the harvest, samples from the sultanas are taken and analyzed. Certification of the product is made only after the clean report indicating no remains of pesticide or chemicals.
After the harvest, bunches of sultanas are soaked with potassium carbonate and then laid down under the sun to fasten the dehydration process. Generally 7 to 10 days is enough for well dehydrated sultanas; however, this process may take up to 20 days due to the weather conditions. Sultanas produced by this conventional way, without the bleaching process, is named Natural.
After the harvest, bunches of sultanas are soaked with potassium carbonate and then laid down under the sun to fasten the dehydration process. Generally 7 to 10 days is enough for well dehydrated sultanas; however, this process may take up to 20 days due to the weather conditions. Sultanas produced by this conventional way, then bleached with sulphur dioxide, is named bleached sultanas.


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