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POWER GERMANYA Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Mimar Kemalettin Mah. Mitatpasa Cad. Dibekli Cami Sok No:9/4, Turkey Fax: +90 212 638 73 13

POWER GERMANYA Company Profile

Hal Dis Ticaret was founded in 1992 by Hasan Hallacoglu to run import and export trade. In 2005 Gree Dis Ticaret company was founded to fill the needs of developing markets more rapidly right along with Hal Dis Ticaret which exports trade to many countries, African ones in front. On various product lines for many international and local brands it has succesfuly perform the marketing, sales and representation in Algeria at first rank and also in Tunis,Morocco, Libya and Egypt for 20 years. Our companies make turn key projects by realizing the factory construction on montage and production of white goods and produce white goods, air-conditioner, natural gas heaters and various kitchenwares with its own patented brands "Powergermanya and T-Raks".

Along with the goods above Hal Dis Ticaret also presents a wide product range to consumers on construction materials, various plastic and glass products, farm implements, milker machines and electrical furnitures.


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