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Our Company was established in August 2007 by CEO Mohammed Zakir KHAN in the city of Mevlânâ Celâleddîn-i Rûmî in Konya. Our company's main mission is; food, pulses, oilseeds, animal feed and spices all over the world based on mutual profit and sincere friendship principles. We, as a company based in Turkey with over 20 years' experience and professionalism; we carry out import, export, storage, product processing and packaging operations at home and abroad. We also provide international consultancy services for your purchases of wheat and animal feed (5000-50000 tons). With our well-known links and know-how in international trade, we follow local and international market prices, agricultural periods of our products procured from private countries, global and local producers and suppliers we are in contact with comprehensively. We carry out the sale, purchase and stock sale of our products with our worldwide registered SAAZ ™ trademark and our official company PAKON® Agricultural Products and Foodstuffs Import and Export Company Limited.
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