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NARSEB GIDA A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Antalya Turkey

Adress: Cihaddiye mah. 75 sk, No: 22, Aksu, Antalya Fax: +90 242 341 40 97

NARSEB GIDA A.S. Company Profile

NARSEB is one of the biggest exporter of fresh fruit and vegetables from Turkey.

Our company has been operated on the market just for 2 years but during that time has earned recognition among its customers as a reliable supplier of qualitative goods, has acquired a large number of loyal customers and has achieved an impressive volume of sales.

I want to give you a brief information about our company:

Established in 2013, Shareholders are Mr. Mehmet Sahin and Mr. Tunc Sayilgan, each shareholder has more than 10 years of experience of export from Turkey. Mr. Mehmet Sahin has been working in Hungary and in Czech Republic as a purchaser of Turkish, Greek, Macedonian fresh fruit and vegetables. Mr. Tunc Sayilgan has more than 15 years experience in supermarket managing of fresh department.

Our Head Оffice is located in Antalya . We have an experienced team for supply chain, quality management and export operation.

Our Warehouse is in Antalya for our packing activities of vegetables and fruit.

We speak English, Russian and Romanian.

We can manage transport for your orders.

Narseb SRL ( Moldova ) was established in 2014 in order to serve our clients for non Turkish Products. Narseb SRL is selling Fresh Fruit and Vegetables of Macedonia, Greece, Israel, Hungary and Egypt.

Our clients are mainly supermarket chains.


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