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MILAD PHARMA LTD. STI. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Gumuspala Mah. Yeniyuva Sk. 27-A Avcilar, Turkey Fax: +90 212 5910210

MILAD PHARMA LTD. STI. Company Profile

Our company’s partnerships are working pharmeceutical sector since 1992. We are distribitor, wholesaler and exporter of human medicines in Turkey. We have license for as a international wholesaler and exporter of pharmaceuticals. As a wholesaler, we can supply any branded medicines from multinational companies and any generic medicines from local Turkish Companies.
We are exporting many medicines to espacially African, Balcans, Middle-East countries. They are to prefer us instead of Europe countris. Because our goverment policy on medicines prices is better of all Europe countries. And our factories are manufacturing on rules of GMP(Good Manufacturing Practices). So our prices are low, our quality is equal to Europe.


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