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LAL GIYIM LTD. STI. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Turgut Reis Mah. Giyimkent D6blok B/5413 Esenler İstanbul, Turkey Fax: +90 212 4382887

LAL GIYIM LTD. STI. Company Profile

Our company has always showed big developments so far and it caused that one of the big producer in own sector. Our main aim is good services to our customers and our quality in production. We always serv our products as customer focus. It ensured that Lal’s success. To following up the developments and newest tecnology in own sector, at the same time it add innovation to sector. We proud that because of leading in textile sector in our country. Because of our confidence in working customer focus, quality in products. We produces all of the products to big brands on World and in Turkey. Care of the brands and sensitivity of our customers are one of the main reason to being leader in our sector. All of the products steps starts in Lal ends in Lal. Thus, we can control all of the production steps and catch the best quality. Our target is to keep our position in our sector, following the developments, moveing the our quality in the world and in our country as Lal.


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