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ISTANBUL BELGELENDIRME VE PROJE LTD. STI. Turkish Manufacturers Companies İstanbul Turkey

Adress: FINDIKLI MAH. BAŞIBÜYÜK YOLU CAD. NO:149/B MALTEPE Fax: +90 216 576 00 79


Our Company officially started operations in 2016 by the founders, who wanted to combine their experience of more than 25 years in the Air-Conditioning Industry, contributing thereto in respect of products, services, knowledge, certifications and engineering.

As the name suggests, Project Istanbul is a concept, a notion and an engineering approach that considers each work as a project, dealing with it very sensitively from the very beginning to the end thereof and, embracing the principle to be side by side with the customers before and after each project and as long as the respective products and services are within their lifecycles. It employs the staff who are committed themselves to act in a team spirit to carry out research, investigations, combine the truest knowledge with the experience, provide the best products and the best quality services at the right time for the right price and, deliver these products and services within the shortest period possible. With this experienced team, Project Istanbul;
– In Respect of Product Supply Services;

A Solution Partner of UNTES VRF. As an exclusive distributor of Hisense brand Air-Conditioning Systems in the territory of Mediterranean, Southeastern Anatolia and TRNC, our Company provides supply of products, services and engineering services. In addition, as a Solution Partner for the sales and distribution of Hisense products in particular, in Marmara Region, our Company has Privileged Rights to provide active sales and engineering services.
Our family of products and services also includes Chiller Groups, Fan Coilers, Air-Conditioning Plants, and Rooftop Type Package Air-Conditioning Systems.
In addition, we are cable of supplying to the distribution channels under privileged conditions in respect of Ventilation Fans, Air Curtains, Flexible Air Channels and all other types of ventilation equipment.
Heat Pumps are an areas in which our Company sees the future and, makes special efforts. In respect of both domestic and professional type Heat Pump solutions, we provide assistance for products and applications and, build our projects based on systems that receive energy from the nature to produce high-efficiency solutions
-In Respect of Consultancy Services;;

We provide consultancy services for the projects from the very beginning thereof until the end of life cycles of the respective systems and buildings.
In addition, we provide the companies with business development, team formation and engineering consultancy services as well as long-term training services in any area they may want to be successful.
-In Respect of Services Umbrella;

Project Istanbul has a service network that is capable of providing any kind of servicing for any brands and products of the Air-Conditioning Systems at any point of Turkey. We have such an infrastructure capable of providing servicing from a single center for banks, chain stores and similar corporations with a huge amount of air-conditioning equipment. Based on this infrastructure that is being improved day by day, we are becoming an established corporation that provides services in respect of After-Sales Services, Installations, Commissioning, Tests, Adjustments and Balancing etc.


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