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Founded in 1989, IMECE PLASTIK A.S. is currently the highest quality and most reliable greenhouse film producer in Turkey. Totally owned by Turkish Agricultural Credit Cooperative, in other words by the Turkish farmers, our corporation IMECE PLASTIK is a professional provider of an important input needed by the greenhouse owners and farmers in Turkey and in the world. Its main field of activity is agricultural film and it also produced packaging with an annual capacity of 20.000 tons.TK PLASTIK A.S. started operating in 2009 in AKSARAY Industrial Estate, producing irrigation systems with an established capacity of 250 million meters. In 2016, IMECE PLASTIK A.S. and TK PLASTIK A.S. merged their powers under the roof of IMECE PLASTIK A.S. Currently operating in ANTALYA and AKSARAY, the company is producing world class greenhousing and irrigation systems in order to meet the requirements of our farmers.
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