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Our company manufacture and export of agricultural products in 2007 in order " FROM VISION TO REALITY " slogan Hayg organic food Ltd. The company was established in Denizli by Burns under the name Muhammad .Our factory has 2000 m2 closed area is producing oyster mushrooms . 1200 m2 closed area, leaf fungus mushroom compost production by industry. 1.5-2 tons per day leaves our production facility with production capacity of Turkey's largest leaf fungus ( beech, clams) is a manufacturer of cork.The amount of oyster mushrooms produced from our manufacturers in the market with about 2.5 tons of mushroom mushroom mushroom compost production gonderilmektedir.istiridy manufacturer to support our production capacity and other institutions and organizations that are pioneering..EXISTING PLANTSOur factory has a capacity of 2000 m2 approx 400ton oyster mushroom compost production facility 6 700m2 tented Denizli buld career oyster mushroom production facility of 15 tons per monthOur factory is producing monthly average of 800 tons of compost Compost is produced.Our company attaches great importance to institutionalize and encourage producers to make new investments to continue. For this purpose, our company gives a new direction to our entrepreneurs , promotion and production of oyster mushrooms to improving our maximum effort as an indication of our commitment to quality and we have ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 22000:2005 quality management certification can show our
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