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GUNDEM GIYIM LTD. STI. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Cihangir Mah. Şehit Er Barbaros Yalçın Sok. No.3 Ambarlı Avcılar İstanbul, Turkey Fax: +90 212 4226250

GUNDEM GIYIM LTD. STI. Company Profile

Our company is established in 1986 and proudly celebrating its 25th anniversary; this year. Our wide production range includes every kind of knitted casual; elegant; outside T-Shirt; S-Shirt; blouse; shorts and pants for both women and men. In the field of knitted casual garments; we continuously reinvigorate ourselves by providing all our employees modern training to ensure that we are up-to-date on the current manufacturing techniques. Our capacity is approximately 2 million pieces in a year. We provide rapid turnaround for your orders and normally ship them within 6–8 weeks; due to our quick delivery policy. Our customers can visit our meticulously prepared special showroom that is renewed every 15 days; to see or order our new models. Our products are sold nearly all around the world but mainly in the chain stores of our customers situated in Israel; France; Switzerland; Belgium; Italy and Russia. Our company believes that; the real success can be measured; firstly by the quality of our work and secondly by the happiness of our employees. We structure both our vision and mission to reach these objectives. We build and apply our plans and programs accordingly.


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