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GBH TEKSTIL LTD. STI. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Merkez Mah. Fatih Cad. Köksal Sok. No.14 1.Bodrum 345 Katlar Yenibosna Bahçelievler İstanbul, Turkey Fax: +90 212 5033456

GBH TEKSTIL LTD. STI. Company Profile

Our company which is in the textiles ready made wear sector since 1993 offers high quality and reliable inner wear and outerwear ready made clothing made of all kinds of knit and ORGANIC fabrics following current fashion trends in its own ITS and SKAL (ORGANIC) certificated business place meeting EU and USA criteria located 5 km to the Istanbul Ataturk Airport with a 6000 m2 closed space. In every stage of production processes new technology and fully automatic ready made garments machinery are used and all products are shipped after passing through a metal detector at the final stage. Our production capacity is 250.000 pieces monthly and we realize these quantities in cooperation with our ITS and SKAL certificated company the PERFECTO GIYIM SAN. With a current production period of 5-7 weeks and an RPT of 4 weeks.


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