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FIKIR FIDANCILIK Turkish Manufacturers Companies Balıkesir Turkey

Adress: İhsaniye Mah. 2. Okul Sk. No55/1 Bandırma/Balıkesir


Our grafted walnut sapling production, started at 1990 in Sahil Yenice/Bandirma, officially institued as Fikir Fidancilik with a view of a quality and trustful service in 1996 after our continuously enlarging production Fikir Fidancilik has increased its production to 200.000 grated walnut saplings per year and our aim is to increase this quantity and give appropriate and sufficient service to our customers. We also started producing blue certificate saplings and aim to develope this number. We realise our production for the original walnut saplings grown in our region according to our contracts. Healthy and trustful service. 100% original walnut types. Quality grafted saplings from our experience and honesty. We are the leader producer in the region. With our experience, discipline and moral work system, we are honoured to serve you the best Our varieties are Chandler, Fernor, Franquette. Fernette. Lara. Tulara, Howard.


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