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ELMACIOGLU TEKSTIL A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Kayseri Turkey

Adress: O.S.B 2.Cadde No:20 38070 Kayseri / Turkey


Our company has been founded in 1997 in Kayseri Industrial Zone ,with the leadership of Mr.Hayrullah ELMACIOGLU, by Mrs.Sema ELMACIOGLU and Mr.Tarik Riza ELMACIOGLU.In the begining our production was 2.000 tons in a year.Now we are producing 15.000 tons in a year.Our factory area is 15.000 m² open area and 10.000 m² for the production.Every year we are recycling 15.000 tons textile waste and we protect the human and nature.ELMACIOGLU family has experience in trade more than 60 years and now we are using our experience in textile (non wowen) an we are getting a well known trademark . We are building a new factory area 22.500 m² open area and 12.000 m² for the production.Shortly we will start to production in an new sector with the new investments.We are proud of to produce and serve.


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