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EGIN ETIKET Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Meclis Mahallesi Turan Sokak No:4 Sancaktepe, Turkey Fax: +902164994340

EGIN ETIKET Company Profile

Dear Customers;

In 1976,Egin Etiket who was founded for carrying on a business in the labels(tags)of energy sector,afterwards,adopted consideration of quality products in machine industry,iron-steel industry,automotive sectors and took as principle to production area of instruction to complete deficiencies in the sector.
By our experiences in the sector,not only we gain a place in the supplier lists of leading companies around the world,but also we are the first and unique foundation which contributes with our %10 part of endorsement(giro)to national economy by exporting quality products that we have been producing since 2008.Moreover we continue supporting both our own sector,domestic investors and national industry by sharing our experiences which we gained.
In 2000s,as a result of innovative and technological developments which gain considerably a pace,increasing the value of both advertisements,advertising products and being a precursor in machinery have been brought honour to our foundation.
Our machinery includes; reductored guillotine, press machine for producing industrial products, also, full and semi-serigraphy machines, line of UV printing and drying for producing printed products, digital print-cut machines for fast and serial production,usable button labels(tags) almost in every zone(field),lazer marking and pantograph machines for producing marking products.
In 2012 there had been %59 sale increase in our life cycled guaranteed products that we had been producing by comparison to 2011.It shows its outstanding success by completing production in same and different kind of products with number of 3.799.643.
Some of our products;principally metal labels(tags),transformer and board accessories,mimic diagram generally and mainly is used for showing usage and running systems,safety signs,architectural instruction signboards,lighted and unlighted advertisement signs,promotions,blueprint products and so(etc)…
In domestic field and abroad;taking place among precursor and experienced companies in their own sector,You Dear customers,we are cooperating with,Thank you for your contributions in the efforts of keep working to reach business solutions by giving The Best Quality in The Fastest Way.


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