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DENGE Engineering works on the concept of realizing the projects on clients’s mind in the light of information, experience, creativity in solutions and responsibility. Utmost customer satisfaction is aimed at given services.DENGE Engineering has aimed at giving engineering services of high quality within the promised time period; paralel to the respective technological and scientific developments; and in a complete and satisfactory way. DENGE aims at undertaking all kinds of engineering services in the stages of feasibility works, design, planning, management and manufacturing by establishing its organization on a wide range of services. With the power of qualified human resources and with high level technical experience, we aim at contributing to the increase in engineering quality in Turkey. DENGE works on innovative solutions in constructions by utilizing all the innovations and developments offered by our age and technology.We ensure that our employees regularly receive vocational training in order to perform the innovations in the fields of engineering, informatics and technology and we adopt the principles of utilizing our occupation and offering it to customers in the best way possible. Our goal is to become one of the outstanding companies in the field of engineering which complete their institutionalization substantially.
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