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Evka Design was founded in 1999 as one of the sister companies of Defne Construction Company, to manufacture custom made high quality products ever since. For more than 10 years, our technical team has been designing unique products for our customers while perfecting the mass-production processes for our signature items. Our production scale ranges from small accessory items to fixed furniture and interior design works including wall and ceiling claddings. In our furniture collection we combine wood, steel, marble, glass, plexiglass and upholstery. Under the trademark Evka Design, we are gladly meeting the custom size and material demands in addition to our standard products. We design, manufacture and market quality furnishing items to provide state-of-the-art interior solutions. We are a key supplier of high quality metal and wooden furniture for our 16 long-term partners, in both domestic and overseas projects. With a team of 30 dedicated members, besides B2B project works, we are fulfilling over 500 orders monthly in Turkey. Thanks to our overseas experience with project works, today, we are extending our e-commerce target to an international dimension, starting with UK. 'To create more qualified living spaces.'
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