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CBS PRINTAS BASKI MUREKKEPLERI A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Meclisi Mebusan Cad Çbs İşhanı No.127 Fındıklı Beyoğlu İstanbul, Turkey Fax: +90 262 7441744


Starting in 2012 for the World Economy difficult, ongoing process of country Turkey full membership in the EU in terms of economic in terms of the country's economy a lot of very difficult and troubled past one year we have left behind. The only consolation is that in spite of the many difficulties, the economic performance of the country Turkey, 2008 compared to countries in crisis, which decomposes the negative developments have been relatively little affected. Our economy has continued to grow fast, the Arab Spring and the EU countries, exports reached record levels despite the negative impact of the economic crisis deepening took place, slowed down the economic growth is expected in 2012. However, at the beginning of the second half of 2011, the high and sudden rise in interest rates, foreign exchange gains and subsequent negative impact on our sector beyond the general economic trend. Increased foreign exchange rates and the cost of finance, particularly in the first half of the year due to unforeseen when links with the sector, although sufficient demand from low profit a year surpassed.

Key Words: chemical products, paints, paint products, paint manufacturer, paint exporter, paint supplier


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