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CANPLAST Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Alkop Aluminyumcular Sanayi Sitesi A9 Blok No: 11-12 Buyukcekmece - Istanbul/Turkey Fax: +90 212 858 07 29

CANPLAST Company Profile

Our company was founded in 1990 in Istanbul.

Initially only for the PVC and PU synthetic leather industry with a variety of paints, lacquers produced cakes.

Shoes and slippers in the sector after 2000 began producing colorants.

2003 received the ISO 9001:2000 Quality Assurance Certificate.

European Union norms of our products first,
human health and environmentally conscious sure are friendly.

AR - GE employees and on the developments in Turkey as well as the following are a company in the world. We are in continuous innovation.

Experience, technology and production with our quality policy
Grown with each passing day our product range and a very different
We serve our customers in the industry.


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