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CAGLA GIYIM A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Bomonti İş Merkezi Güvenç Sok. No.1/2 Kat.4/31 Şişli İstanbul, Turkey Fax: +90 212 2249021

CAGLA GIYIM A.S. Company Profile

CARLA, which is a brand created by CAGLA Clothing Co., stepped into the World of textile and managed to reach at its targets by forming its own style and creating the aimed customer profile in a very short time. Following the trends and guiding the customer’s needs before fulfilling them, CARLA became an assertive and confidential label in its field. CARLA is planning to lead the world’s women by presenting the whole clothing needs with a rich concept. Our company, with its experienced and creative designers, aims to be worthy of the confidence that our customers feel fur us, by working very delicately from the process of choosing clothes and accessories to the last controls of the products. CAGLA Clothing Co. Has carried outs labouring in the overseas market since the day it was established, however, it is planning to target also the home market, soon.


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