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Fresh vegetables and fruits, healthy production, processing and packaging stages of passing consumers to bring you in 2007, the new package plants with activities starting Beypak our country's fresh fruit and vegetable export potential in the best way assessment mission considered etmistir.isl steel products will create added value and the region of the manufacturer , the country's economy and therefore the benefits of saglayacaktir.b Beypak products processing beyond knowing the importance of branding their work engages in accordance with these principles .Beypak age and vegetable packing purely for the newest tech equipment , packing plant construction in early 2007 by completing the activities began , and soon , particularly Eastern European countries, many countries, including the fresh fruit and vegetable exports realized .Beypak of products processed , packaged and branded with the value added from local producers to exploit , with a broader and more healthy production environment will occur dusunmektedir.b whereby the region's export-oriented production potential will be increased and as a result agriculture in the region operating in the sector all the circles will benefit from this .
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