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ANA MILLING SYSTEMS Turkish Manufacturers Companies Antalya Turkey

Adress: AOSB 1. Kısım 8. Cadde No: 13 ANTALYA / TURKIYE Fax: +902422439204


Ana Milling Systems and Technology strives to increase the value of its brands with the experience and outstanding technological applications for more than twenty years. Until now, annually, 9 million tonnes of wheat are ground successfully in more than 300 flour and semolina mills installed by Ana International all around the world.

The core business area is the manufacturing and selling turn-key wheat, maize flour, semolina and feed mills worldwide. It is always given priority to produce quality milling equipments, and of course the success of quality of project. The mission of Ana International Milling Systems and Technology is to be one of the brilliant and reliable supplier worldwide with 7000 m² of main workshop, 4000 m² steel construction workshop and a 100 ton per day display flour mill for the R&D and training purposes.

Continuously updating technology and innovative applications, high efficiency and performing systems and equipments, flexible solutions are some of our services that we offer.

Our expertise in milling industry provided us with the knowledge to develop solutions that answer the needs of today's clients. These solutions allow you to:
- increase productivity with Creative Design, Effective, Flexible and Adaptable solutions
- reduce the operating costs with Cost Efficient Operation and Low Maintenance solutions
- increase customer satisfaction with Versatility


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