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ALV KIMYA SAN. IC VE DIS TIC. A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Bahçelievler Turkey

Adress: Yenibosna Merkez Mahallesi, Çobançeşme Mah. Sanayi Cad, Genç Osman 1 Sok No:14, 34196 Bahçelievler / İstanbul / Turkiye

ALV KIMYA SAN. IC VE DIS TIC. A.S. Company Profile

ALV Kimya; aims to be a global brand which supports high quality and high performance products with experienced,profesional team and high technology production facility which is equipped with full automotion system serves for construction chemicals and textile sector.
ALV Kimya, which has been serving in the chemical sector for more than twenty years, manufactures polymer emulsions, pigments and special chemicals used in construction, paint, coating, non-woven surfaces, paper and textile industry in its 17.000 m2 closed area in Corlu, Tekirdag, Turkey. Our production facility has an annual production capacity of 45.000 tons and is followed up with full automation system from raw material entry to final production moment.


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