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Altin ekonomia Ltd., Co Turkish Manufacturers Companies Konak Turkey


Altin ekonomia Ltd., Co Company Profile

Altinpak has been established as a sub company of Altin Ekonomia Group in 2018 and started its activities with the aim of producing various types of polyethylene films and bags.
In the first phase, the company began producing polyethylene Blown Film in the form of roll and bags. All kinds of shrink films up to a width of 2000 mm, top pallets (top covers), shrink pallet bags, as well as rolls and bags for packaging applications in the chemical, agricultural and other industries are among these products.

In the second phase, launching a three-layer CPE production line, the company has been able to produce a variety of stretch films including hand stretch wrap film, machine stretch wrap film and silage film up to a width of 1000 mm..

In the third phase, using a five-layer CPE production line, the company has been able to produce CPP / CPE lamination and stretch film up to a width of 1500 mm.

Professional personnel, modern machinery and high quality raw materials, as well as the company’s position in Turkey (access to international waters, and land and rail access to Central Asia and Europe) have provided a special opportunity to bring Altinpak to the global market.

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