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Agaoglu was founded in 1999 to sell and market PVC door and window systems. Fast, high quality, medium, and appealing to the upper segment, affordable, products serving the purpose set out Agaoglu, after years of a result of serious and hard work in 2014. As of 2016, the number of employees working in Agaoglu is over 100 people.Our product portfolio was produced by Egepen Deceuninck 808080; “> DECEUNINCK NV by purchasing FILM DECEUNINCK NV family Aluminum Systems and Winsa Aluminum Systems Egepen Deceuninck, Winsa, Flora, Inoutic, Pimas, Pimapen, Maestro, DWT, Pimas Siding, Camoda, Pimawood, Deceuninck > has the widest product range in the industry.) WinLIFE Fenster-Systeme GmbH and the GEALAN Fenster-Systeme GmbH .
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