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UCGEN MUHENDISLIK LTD. STI. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Malatya Turkey

Adress: Niyazi Mısri Cad. 1. Sok. No:17/A Malatya, Turkey Fax: +90 422 325 99 61


Ucgen Engineering Ltd. Co. With HASAN DUNDAR ASANSOR trademark is very pleased and honored for giving a new breath to the lift sector and for working together with you. As people who never getbored of qouestioning and learning and feel the pleasure of resourching and developing we gothered in Ucgen Engineering. Our company do to sell material and contract mechanical installation systems. And Hasan Dundar Asansor trademark is dealing with manufacturing; montage; revision; maintenance; selling and contraction of lifts. Hasan Dundar Asansor is committed to the satisfaction of customer requirements with today’s unique statue through reliability technical background; product quality and quality management system; looking for new horizons and team spirit having lift for buildings; loadings cars; moncharges; hospital-stretchers lifts references is going towards its goals by sure steps. Hasan Dundar Asansor is proud of its position today; realizing all stages of production itself with its specialized personal within its structure and wast technological facilities. The new installation or revision of old lift siystem project; measurements and to special requirements of the customers and to the canditions of the building. Calculations; drawings and projects are done by our company’s engineers all of are experts in their subjects. Our lifts are prepared and tested with care and responsibility before they are delivered to our customers. Our technical staff is at your service to help wiyh problems that can arise after sales.

Key Words:elevator systems, lift, lifts, elevators, elevator parts, elevator electronics


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