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PERSEASON DOMESTIC Turkish Manufacturers Companies Bursa Turkey

Adress: Reyhan Mah.Yeni Yiğit Sk.No:3/31, Turkey Fax: +90 224 221 43 94


Our company was founded by two entrepreneurs in November 2010. One of them is a Food Engineer who has worked as a production and a quality responsible at some leading frozen fruit and vegetable producers in Turkey. The other is a MSc Mechanical Engineer who has worked as a specialist and a responsible at some international suppliers and car makers

Our company has three main aims ;

- Our first aim is to provide frozen fruits and vegetables with the highest quality, the highest hygiene and the most competitive price

- Our second aim is to help our customers with all domestic&foreign trade process according to our customers demand. ( to bring together our right exporter costumers and our right importer costumers etc.)

-Our third aim is to become an observer on behalf of our foreign customers with our existing experince in Turkey.

We carry out our production in our sister company which has a capacity of 3000Tons/year .

The raw materials are provided from the domestic market.

strawberry, cherry, sourcherry, pepper, onion, tomato, fruit, vegetable, fruit exporter, vegetable exporter,


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