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KOMAS KOCATEPE MODERN MAGAZACILIK A.S. Turkish Manufacturers Companies Ankara Turkey

Adress: Mithatpasa Cad., No: 62/2-3, Kizilay, Cankaya, Ankara, Turkey Fax: +90 312 425 44 94


Following handover of construction of Kocatepe Mosque to Turkish Religious Foundation, difficulties and inconveniences of performance of the works that are subject of commercial activity by the Foundation itself were perceived. In an effort to overcome these problems, the Foundation made a disposition whereby both its can have its own works done by companies and the profit to be derived as result of such works is reverts directly to it, and Foundation affiliate companies were started to be established beginning from 25.05.1983.
The commercial activities that were commenced by Turkish Religious Foundation in the construction sector with one company expanded in line with the needs that emerged over time, and extended with establishment of four new companies engaged in the sectors such as tourism, education, food, merchandising, woodwork, decoration, health, publication and marketing. GINTAS A.S. , KOMAS A.S, VETAS A.S., DIVANTAS A.S. and 29 MAYIS A.S., 5 individual Foundation affiliate companies, which started serving in different sectors with different trade names, combined their powers in 2001 under the roof of KOMAS Kocatepe Modern Magazacilik Isletmeleri San. ve Tic A.S. to carry on all the activities under one roof, as a single body, with stronger staffs and firm steps.
Established to serve and support Turkish Religious Foundation and existing with this awareness for more than 30 years, KOMAS, has today, as a result of consideration of the company’s objective of establishment all the time, proved itself, branded, and acquired a reliable position with the quality of service it has provided in all of the sectors it has engaged in, has become a successful and professional commercial enterprise which is advancing with firm steps in the business life, which is engaged in various sectors and increasing its profitability day by day in each of these sectors.


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