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AS ARCHITECTURE Turkish Manufacturers Companies Türkiye Turkey

Adress: Galata Kulesi Yanı Büyük Hendek St. No:17 Floor:3 Flat:5 Galata / İstanbul / Turkey Fax: +90 212 293 88 21


As an undertaking and solution company; to provide qualified and reliable service appropriate to the world standards, with its corporate structure; with our master of contemporary technology, experienced, adult human power; in the area of domestic and foreign general construction services, is AS ARCHITECTURE’s essential work principle since it was established.

Our company, which is constantly running effective improvement activities to be able to answer rapidly to the changing customer expectations, encourages its suppliers and subcontractors to enhance their quality to provide high-class service and aims to raise its performance and competition power to the highest level by using its sources in the most effective and productive way. Th


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