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AIRKOM KOMPRESOR Turkish Manufacturers Companies Küçükçekmece Turkey

Adress: Halkalı Merkez Mah. 1. Ülkü Sk. A Blok 18/4, Küçükçekmece, İstanbul, Turkey


Airkom is a global, diversified industrial corporation with annual revenues in excess of $0.5 billion (USD). Established in 1999, Airkom is based in Istanbul , Turkey, with manufacturing, sales and support locations worldwide. The Company operates in Compressor Division.

Airkom began manufacturing compressors in 1999 and remains Turkey second jeneration compressor company. Today, the Company operates worldwide and is a assertive about leadership in compressor technology, engineering and innovation.

Airkom provides both process gas and standard air compressors.

Airkom is unique in that it provides all three major types of gas compressors: rotary screw, reciprocating and centrifugal. As a result, Eskom has the ability to engineer the best possible compressor solution for each application. For customers, the results are optimum performance and lowest overall costs of ownership.


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